Latest Beauty Fad; Eyelash Extension

The talk of the town…every celebrities our getting hooked on eyelash extension! Why stay in front of the mirror for quite a long time doing the mascara and eyelash curl thing if you can have an eyelash extension?

Eyelash extensions are worn by almost every female celebrity, and all the other females out there! If what you ever wished for is having thick and longer lashes and yet you’re tired of doing the old trick, I bet an eyelash extension is what you really need. If you would like remarkable, long, natural looking eyelashes that last longer than mascara, look better than false eyelashes, and can withstand close scrutiny, then the answer is Eyelash Extension – the latest trend nowadays.

Let’s admit it, not every one of us is given perfect lashes and we always dreamt of having one…I myself envy those people out there with full volume and long lashes. Eyes I guess is often the first part of the person’s face that we look up to, those windows of the soul as the old proverb say. If you feel like your lashes are neither too short nor too sparse, don’t worry because you’re not alone…and guess what? There’s something out there that is especially made for us! Don’t dream because it’s over…Eyelash Extensions has been setting the latest trend!

Eyelash extension has been widely accepted since it is perfect for everyday wear as well as special occasions of course. Semi-permanent Eyelash Extension are made from synthetic fibres that are curved to replicate a natural eyelash. They provide length and thickness to your own lashes and are available in varying lengths and thickness. Each individual lash is applied on a lash by lash basis to your natural lashes with a special bonding agent that can last anywhere from two weeks to two months. You can have a full set or partials—lashes are applied only at the outer corners of the natural lashes—and the service takes anywhere from 30 minutes to two 1/2 hours. There is no need for mascara even though water based mascara is fine to use. The result is thicker, longer, eye opening eyelashes that are safe in the shower, while swimming, sleeping or exercising.

Remember to avoid rubbing the eyes or putting on mascara, and sometimes lying face down since this might damage your eyelash extension. You won’t want to ruin the prefect lashes you finally had after an eyelash extension, right? What a great offer it is for us women with short and sparse eyelashes, isn’t it? Eyelash Extensions create a longer, thicker and fuller look that almost every woman desires because more attractive eyelashes get noticed!


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